November 26 - The Government of Zenobia today announced that travel to and from the planet Albion, Foreign Ward District D42X, will be restricted commencing early December.
Cargo and passenger traffic will be redirected. Details to follow.
Full consulate services on Mu Draconis remain unaffected.
The Official Voice of Zenobia, a Member State in the Union of Allied Planets, encompassing the planet Albion and its lunar colony Avalon, orbiting the White Sun, 34 Tauri (2020) A.
Dot Bot
The monarch's steps two female forms uphold,
That moved and breathed in animated gold;
To whom was voice, and sense, and science given
Of works divine (such ...
A new year. A new adventure?
Lily is whole.
Lily is Free.
Her body may not be here own for the moment, and she may not be on Dragon's
Egg, but that doesn't matter so much. She *is*. ...
*“Of course I’ll be careful! It’s not like we haven’t done wildly more
dangerous things before, Sea.” Was Sabrina’s repeated protest when I...
On the move....
((Hey folks This is Cody's typist. Just hoppin' out of character to let you
know, I made a new blog spot where I'll be postin' my adventures. Hopin'
you he...
Object in Space
April 17 - Space traffic control was deluged with calls today by concerned
citizens spotting a mysterious, bright object in the night sky. Praising
our cit...
Trade Resumes
[image: SerenDharmaPackard.jpg]
Trade has resumed to normalish levels since the pox plague crisis has
passed. In order to expand trade further, the Consolid...
Visiting brother
I went to the house where Lily and that man stay. There was a door, and it
had a lock on it.
I knew how to open it. I do not know how I knew. I know...
Planet Side Life
It's good to have family and even a Capsuleer must attend to family when
the going gets rough.
Although it is tough being grounded, it does allow the crew...
I need a temporary respite.
I am turning control of the company over to my adopted daughter, Catherine.
Things have gotten out of control in Research divis...
Playing the Game: Crossing over - part duex
This was actually the last topic I posted on here in the blog - coming
quite a few months back. Not counting the unfinished (*by request*) post
that comes ...
I am very sorry to disappoint you...
Arianne Simons sipped her tea delicately and avoided making eye contact.
Her thick, brown hair was tied tightly back and her soft, silk busines...
Hale Resident Snaps Photo of Outland Sasquatch
Local Resident, Shian Ishtari, a retired terraform engineer formerly in the
employ of Blue Sun Corporation, received the 100L reward for snapping this
BlueSun expresses condolences to those who have suffered property loss in
the enclave formerly known as Destiny. An extensive search and rescue of
the area...
OOC: Imrhien's backstory
Imrhien's got a lot of history, a lot of which was recorded on another blog
- I gave her sort of a restart this year (a friend calls her Imrhien Reboot
or ...
Roughly edited log of last night's events
"Hale's Moon... This is..." Duncan trails off a little and then forces the
temble from his voice. "Raivenn shuttle one, we're runnin' on fumes here
and car...
Dyssen moving Al Raqis offices
President Nakamura has stated that all Dyssen security forces will withdraw
from the Splintered Rock region of planet due to the increasingly difficult
Dear Diary
"It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds
remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar
tissue and ...
Lets Be Bad Guys
‘Find-B’. She stared at it, just sitting there in Raivenn’s cargo bay; the
mysterious wooden crate at the centre of this whole mess. An
'Least I didn't lose the eye...
Sometimes I wonder why I keep goin' to Joe the Bastard's dances in
Eavesdown. I s'pose it's that hope the hwuan dan dangles in front of me,
that maybe I'll...
It was a silly game. People stood in a circle holding hands. The Head
Master let a few feathers drop and the group had to blow on the feathers so
they wo...
A talk with Pepper
Pepper wanted a meeting, and I knew something was up. She usually only
wanted meetings to pump me for information, but lately, well, I think she's
been nee...
Wild Cards part 5
After sitting and watching Scott and Jessie eat I ordered another two bowls
of stew, bread, another soda , glass of milk, and as I did this my stomach
Hunting the wayward warriors.
I'm all geared up and ready to set off on my hunting trip once again. Clad
from head to toe in camouflage, with my survival belt around my waist and
my tru...
Repairs complete to the Pioneer offices
After the activities that accompanied the Declaration of Independence on
Shadow, the Pioneer offices took a major amount of damage, and we have been
Getting shot at can lose it's appeal
It weren't like I took shooting at Alliance troopers lightly.
They might not be easy for others to pick out, but I do have beliefs in
that regard that I ho...