Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Leading Physician Visits Albion City

August 8 - Dr. Eliza Eaglefeather, newly appointed head physician of the Al Raqis Medical Centre, recently visited Albion City where she toured medical and research facilities.

Highlights included an inspection of an Alliance hospital, and a chat with an AI at the Zénobie Insitut Polytechnique. The tour concluded with an informal dinner with local and visiting dignitaries including Tillery Woodhen, CEO of the Cortex News Service.

Known as an Ambassador of Goodwill, Dr. Eaglefeather has been recognized for her impartial treatment to all in need, and for her neutral stance in interplanetary affairs. "We are honoured to have such a rising star in the medical profession visit our hospitals," said Zenobie Baxton, representative of the Zenobian government.

The doctor's next scheduled stop is Spinwheel City on her whirlwind tour of 34 Tauri.

Leaders of Medicine and Industry. Dr. Eaglefeather meets
with Tillery Woodhen and other dignitaries for luncheon.

The Future is Now. Dr. Eaglefeather chats with an
Officebot at the Zénobie Insitut Polytechnique.