Visitors to Zenobia over the past few months were often in awe at the sight of the Deep Space Alliance Cruiser "Antares" docked at the low orbital station.
With the old station being decommissioned and the surface of Zenobia being closed to foreigners, it is a small wonder that the "Antares" herself also makes this her time to depart our skies.

The crew of the "Antares" are a fine mixture of proud veterans and fresh recruits to the Alliance Military. Our best wishes go out to them and their families as these men and women who have watched our borders go to serve on other worlds and colonies.

Along with her compliment of Alliance military, the "Antares" is also carrying a cargo precious to all native Zenobians. The relics of St. Zenobius have been removed from their chapel in the Northern Provinces of Zenobia and taken into secure custody in the wake of recent terrorist activity.